Happy New Year!

So here we are…

One year later…

Twelve whole months.

Almost 365 days since I wrote the first The Wolf and Me blog post in which I set out my intention to create a safe space for our little A Wolf and I community to talk about… well …stuff!

To share.

To connect.

And what a beautiful journey it has been so far. We have chatted about life, love, nature, passion, menopause, misogyny, hope and even some jewellery !!

Thank you all so much for joining me..

Each time I tentatively click the ‘make public’ button to release a new blog post I experience a wave of anticipation and self doubt…

Is this ok? Will anyone read it? Why am I doing this? I hope people enjoy it ….

Each time… I take a breath and wait ..

The Wolf and Me blog began very much an experiment …to find out if I have the ability to write and to see if anyone’s life might be enhanced even in the tiniest way by our little safe place of community.

Each time I publish …  I have received heartfelt messages. You have shared your own stories, expressed thoughts and feelings and some of you have even followed my recipes and made a cake or two !!

I can’t express how happy it makes me to see your comments on the blog and to receive your private messages…

Thank you all for coming along for the ride.

So here we are again at the end of the year .. the beginning of the next.

We made it…

We are here together.

Last year I wrote that I wasn’t one for New Year’s resolutions… I’m not into putting pressure on myself to conform to some socially constructed, self defeating, unrealistic promise at the start of each year….to reinvent myself every January.

But I am very much about setting intentions.


When no one’s looking …

I pledge to make my life happier. To be a better, kinder, more compassionate human and to push myself out of my comfort zone at every opportunity.

To say ‘YES’ more often and see where it lands me …

To laugh more and not take things so seriously…

To stop overthinking everything and trust.


Fall back and let the universe catch me.

What if …

Leap … and embrace the plot twist.

In 2022, I met up with old friends I’d not seen for 25 years. I made new friends … friends I just know will be lifelong pals.

I went on adventures and learnt new skills.. I revisited past loves and created new ones.

Together, Al and I navigated another year of running our own business.. and the multitude of challenges that entails, we adopted a new furry family and rediscovered our love of two wheeled adventures… we’ve explored castles and seen dragons, began renovating our cottage and flown owls.

We have learnt more about living and working alongside each other than ever before and we’ve grown, changed, become stronger and more content.

In ‘23 I will be continuing to surround myself with positive energy… to embrace the relationships that bring joy and are happy to share and celebrate our wins and our achievements.

I intend to distance myself from people and situations that leave me feeling drained … I choose to be around people who leave me feeling seen, safe and supported.

I am learning to ‘soften’ … to not always be seen to be the strong one or in control, but to allow myself to be vulnerable, to ask for help and to take time for myself. To be supported. (I am terrible at putting this into practice but I have begun and that’s all I need to do for now).

I will continue to create new opportunities to make myself uncomfortable and challenged, to face my fears and defeat my demons….. no matter how small.. each one is a victory and deserves a celebration.

I am ready to grow and bloom…

Who’s with me?

Say Yes.

See what happens.


Al and I thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for joining us on our quest for a magical life in a challenging world.

We hope that your year ahead will be full of joy and good surprises …

Happy New Year!

From our hearts to yours….

Jesse & Al

A Wolf and I




Itchy feet and a gremlin mind…