‘The Wolf and me’. A new unexpected Blog…
A new, unexpected Blog…
Well, here we are… first post on our brand new blog.
Now I’m not one for making New Years resolutions…not publicly anyway. I can quite often be heard to say things claiming that I ‘don’t believe’ in creating ‘restrictive claims of change’, or putting pressure on oneself to join in with some socially constructed, self defeating set of unrealistic promise at the start of every year ….
But really….. actually…I do love to begin my year afresh…like a new beginning. I just do it quietly, privately …. No fuss, no pressure, no promises, just a quiet resolve to make my life better…
From here…
From now…
I smudge the entire house with sage,
I clean,
I move things around,
I walk in the wild taking deep breaths,
I may even cleanse my body with a healthy eating kick…vowing to give up sugar …to cut down on sugar …. at least swap one of my ridiculously sugary teas for a healthy herbal infusion…just one?
So, here is our first New Years ‘lets give it a go’ resolution type thing.. our new blog!
Good question…
Al and I have been making and teaching jewellery together for approx. 20 years. In 2013 we merged our, until then, separate creative jewellery endeavours and became ‘A Wolf and I’ which we built solidly alongside our jewellery school Flux ’n’ Flame.
In 2020, after 18 wonderful and successful years, we closed the doors to Flux ’n’ Flame and turned our full attention to creating jewellery at A Wolf and I.
How was it ?
Terrifying , exciting, sleepless, invigorating, enlivening and so so fulfilling ….did I mention terrifying ?
It has quite honestly been the most amazing journey so far, and we are loving every second.
The most surprising thing ….the bit that neither of us could have imagined .. is the incredible creative, positive, engaging and interesting community of wonderful folk that we have found ourselves a part of.
‘Community’ just feels like the most appropriate word …
As well as the obvious jewellery related interactions, I have learnt about art, spirituality, life, love and the human strength of spirit.
So, we thought it would be wonderful, to take some of these incredible ‘moments’, thoughts, ideas and create a space to chat about life, love and the universe…with a little jewellery thrown in, a bit of art, creativity and techniques…. hey, why not some recipes? Or aromatherapy blends?
All in the knowledge that I am no expert, I’m just here…navigating my way through life just like everyone else …but if we can share stuff…it might get better right?
From my heart to yours, I hope you enjoy, join in and help me build a community with loving intent.